July S. NoTitle & AuthorsPage No 1Mixed Micelles of Sodium Decyl Benzene Sulphonate – triton Surfactants in Aqueous Media Authors: R.C. Verma, A. P. Singh, R.S Dohare1-4 2Creating Adaptive Web Sites through User Navigation Authors: Sannidhi Narendra, B.Prashanth Kumar5-9 3High Performance Radix-8 Multiplier Using Asynchronous Counters Authors: Easari. Parusha Ramu, Tabasum.Guledgudd10-13 4Optimization and Reliability Evaluation of a Hybrid Power System Authors: Srikanth Paleti, Raghu Thumu, S Chandra Shekar14-20 5Growth and Study of Calcium Mixed Barium Oxalate Single Crystals in Silica Gel Authors: S. Alfred Cecil Raj, P. Mariappan, F. Dasiy Selasteen, A. Alagappa Moses21-24 6Design and Implementation of a Costas Loop for Wireless Protocols on FPGA Authors: Shrita G, Basavaraj S M25-28 7Solar Power based Optimal Battery Charging Mechanism using Microcontroller in Robotic Vehicle Authors: Prof. Suresh Ballala, Ambedkar, D Deepika Rani29-31 8Impact of Distributed Generation on Reliability Evaluation of Distribution System Authors: Srikanth Paleti, Raghu Thumu, S Chandra Shekar32-37 9A Novel Design for a High Throughput S-Boxes Advanced With AES and SKPM Techniques Authors:Abdul Mateen Ahmed, Md.Nizamuddin Salman, Md.Jayeed, Hasan Abdullah Faiq38-40 10Power Quality Improvement Features for a distributed generation system using 3 LEG - 3 Wire Grid Interface Inverter K Shivashanker, J Srinivas Rao, S Chandra Shekar41-46 11Light Emitting Polymers Authors: Peddi .Sahithya, Dechu .Anusha, Azeem Unissa47-50 12Virtual data center powered virtual machine Authors: Gangadhar Biradar,Gururaj Nase, Anoop Kolsur51-54 13Micro Genetic Algorithm Based on Pricing of Reactive Power Service in Deregulated Electricity Markets Authors: Ramesh Babu, Jarapala Bhumaiah, Jula Ramesh Jatoth55-59 14Design of a Low Power and High Performance Digital Multiplier Using a 6T Adder Authors: Shruti Biradar, Shweta, Somnath Biradar60-63 15Touch Screen Based Data Acquisition using Zigbee Technology Authors: Meghana N M, Mr. Santhosh B64-67 16Implementation of Nanotechnology in Solar Cell Authors: S.Sagar, S.Guna Kesav, N.Shiva kumar, Azeem unnisa68-70 17Cost Analysis and Estimation Application for Usage of Cloud Services Authors: Gururaj Nase, Gangadhar Biradar, Anoop Kolsur71-76 18Characterization of Industrial Effluent and Their Treatment Authors: Shilpa Manthalkar, B.S. Thirumalesh, R.N. Mohapatra77-80 19Analysis of Computer Architecture & Emergence of Cache Memory Miss Penalty Authors: Kaitepalli Satya Narayana, Kuchimanchi JayaSri, S. Guru Jyothi 81-85 203D PLS-An high secure polygon lock techonolgy Authors: Anand C Patil, Anoop Kolsur86-87 21Cloud Solution Analyzer for Cloud Users and Cloud Providers in Cloud Computing Authors: Nagaraj Eashwaraj, Yogita Patil88-94 22EEG-Based Brain-Controlled Communication Robots: A Survey Authors: Prof. Suresh Ballala, K.Vishnu Kumar, Raghavendra95-98 23Prediction of Academic Performance Using Bayesian Estimation and Normal Distribution Authors: M. Rebekah, Dr A. Ramakrishna Prasad99-101 24Wavelet Based Image Fusion for Detection of Medical Images and General Images Authors: Ambika Singh, Shivganga Patil102-103 25Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Authors: Shreeya Kadgud, Abhinaya Dattaprasad Padaki104-110 26Image Compression and De-noising using Discrete Meyer Wavelet Technique Authors: Prof.B.B.S.Kumar, Dr.P.S.Satyanarayana, Shivakumaraiah B.R111-118