December S.NO TITLE & AUTHORSPAGE NO 1Implementation of Area Efficient High Speed EDDR Architecture Authors: P.Sunitha, Tarra Sekhar, E.V.V.Ganga Durga Prasad1-6 2Enhancement of Low Power Pulse Triggered Flip-Flop Design Based on Signal Feed-Through Scheme using Pulse-Enhance Authors: Banda.Sriramasarma, P.Bujji Babu7-9 3Hand Vein Structure Authentication Based System Authors: Pavitra R, Deepti Natawat10-14 4Go Green - Green Marketing its Rise for an Eco friendly Processes in India Authors: Dr.G.Thirupati Reddy, G. Santosh Kumar15-21 5Transient Stability Improvement in Power System in Multi Machine System with Robust Distributed Static Series Compensator - A Review Authors: Rajesh Kumar Samala, G Kalidas Babu , K.Preethi 22-29 6Dynamic Resource Allocation using Virtual Machines for Cloud Computing nvironment Author: D.Krishna30-34 7Implementation of SKLANSKY Tree Adder using Quasi Static Adiabatic Logic Authors: G.Shalini, K.Sandeep Kumar, A. Ravichandra35-37 8Hardware Implementation of AES Encryption and Decryption for Low Area & Low Power Consumption Authors: B.S.S.Vidya, Venkata Subha Sree Gopi38-41 10Layout Impact of Resolution Enhancement in Design for Manufacturing (DFM) in submicron VLSI Design using Lithography Simulations Authors: A.Adinarayana, T.Santhi Vandana49-54 11Professional Fuzzy Type-Ahead Rummage Around in XML (Type-Ahead Search Techniques in Large Data Sets) Authors: S. Y. Jadhav, T. A. Dhaigude, Dr. D. S. Jadhav55-59 Paper uploading is in progress. Author(S) are requested to complete their paper formalities.