S.No | TITLE & AUTHORS | Page No |
1 | Various methods to reduce SO2 emission- a review Authors: Tanmay Uttam Gound, Veena Ramachandran, Sunil Kulkarni | 1-6 |
2 | Secure Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Authors: R.Navaneethakrishnan | 7-10 |
3 | Go, Halt, Wait, Gain and Proceed Concept for enhancing the capacity of the Wireless MANET Authors: Mahesh.K.Kaluti, Dr. SamratVivekanand Omprakash Khanna | 11-13 |
4 | Modeling and Analysis of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) Authors: L. Dinesh, B. Rajshekar | 14-17 |
5 | Communicating Hardware Processes-CHPsim Language & Simulator for FGDS Authors: T. Krishnarjuna Rao, Kumar. Keshamoni | 18-24 |
6 | VENTURE CAPITAL IN INDIA Authors: N.B.C. Sidhu, Subhashini Choda, Sabiya Begum | 25-29 |
7 | A Novel Approach of Zero Watermarking for Text Documents Authors: Pankaj Bhambri, Pradeep Kaur | 30-33 |
8 | Heart Attack Prediction System Using Data Mining Techniques Authors: Prof. Shadab Adam Pattekari, Mr. Ajinkya Yadav | 34-37 |
9 | TIME BASED EVENT MANAGEMENT WITH SNTP CLIENT AND SERVER Authors: P. Aruna Sree, Kumar. Keshamoni | 38-47 |