July S.NO TITLE & AUTHORSPAGE NO 1An Exploration of Alternate Materials for the Design of Hip Implant Authors: Gupta Krishna Rampratap, Gunti Ranga Srinivas1-9 2Fault Diagnosys of Synchronous Generator Using Neural Network Techniques Authors: B. Vidya Sagar, Dr. S.S.Tulasiram10-13 3Real-Time Monitoring and Contamination Detection Sensor Network for Drinking Water Distribution System Authors: Banda Madhu , Ujwala Bollampalli14-17 4VHDL IMPLEMENTATION OF DDS SYSTEM USING BPSK MODULATION Authors: RAHEMUNNISA, VANITA KABA 18-21 5Android Wi-Fi based Home Automation system Authors: Bhagyashree.C, S.Ravi Kumar22-26 6An Exploration of Natural Fiber Based Composites for Improving Automotive Side Impact Crash Safety Authors: Samson s, Krishna Rampratap Gupta, Manjunath M V 27-33 7The Efficient Implementation of Numerical Integration for FPGA Platforms Authors: Hemavathi H, Ravichandra V34-38 8Investigation of Stress Intensity Factor of Axial Compressor Blade of Helicopter Authors: Neelesh V K, Manjunath M V, Devaraj39-43 Paper uploading is in progress. Author(S) are requested to complete their paper formalities.