September S.NOTITLE & AUTHORSPage No 1A Review on Research for Industrial Waste water Treatment with Special Emphasis on Distillery Effluent Authors: Pallavi Amale, Sunil Kulkarni, Kavita Kulkarni1-4 2Data Storage Transparent Security in Cloud Computing Authors: K.Divya, P.Navya Sri, Tejavath Charan Singh5-8 3Security Guidance for Critical Areas in Cloud and Solution of Dense Systems of Linear Equations Authors: P.Madhuri, Gurram Bhavani, C. Shanker9-13 4A New Approach to Design and Implement FFT / IFFT Processor Based on Radix-42 Algorithm Authors: Shravankumar Parunandula, Srujan Gaddam, Sanathkumar G14-17 5Capacity Optimized Cooperative Topology Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Cooperative Communications Authors: Kelothu Yakhoob, Mrs.B.DHANALAXMI, K. SHANTHI PRIYA18-21 6Heat and Mass Transfer through a Porous Medium in a Vertical Channel with Chemical Reaction and Heat Source Authors: Dr. B. Srinivasa Reddy, Dr.B.Tulasi Lakshmi Devi, G V P N Srikanth, Dr.G.Srinivas22-30 7Live migration of virtual machines for Cloud Computing Environment Authors: Deepika Y , Mrs. S. Shravani31-34 9Design and Simulation of Improved Memory Cell for Higher Read Stability Authors: Shaik. MahammadAslam, Kumar Keshamoni, A. Anendhar, Sandeep Kumar39-45 10Reduction of Dynamic Power in L2 Cache Architecture Using Way Tag Information under Write-Through Policy Authors: Mirza Farz Ali, Surya Mukhi, D.kavitha46-51 11Steady Clustering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Authors: Nikhil Jha, Prof. Nitesh Gupta, Parul Jha, Nalin Jha 52-57 12CMOS Camera Implementation with CSI based on ARM Processor Authors: P. Anusha, K. Ravinder58-61 13Teaching Mathematics through Geogebra at College Level Authors: Dr. Jyoti N Shinde, V Naganjaneyulu 62-64 14Liveness Detection& Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection Authors: Chetlapalli Deepika Goud, Mr. C. V. RamBabu65-70 15Data Hiding in Video Sequences Using Forbidden Zone Data Hiding and Selective Embedding Authors: P.Appala Naidu, Pavani Moparthy, Jinna Shiva Kumar 71-75